The Frugal Musician gets a whale of a deal…


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Last week, my local market (not a chain) had a spectacular sale. With the purchase of 4 12 packs of Coke products for $12, you received, for free two tubs of Deli Select sandwich meat and an 8 pack of Coke product in bottles.

I don’t know if you can see the tale of the tape, but I spent $12 and got $12 worth of merchandise for free. My total savings was $19.00 which is more than I paid for the items.

It’s travel season and I really like to pack a cooler with a sandwich or two and a can or two of Diet Coke when I am out for the day. Throw in a bag of chips and the necessity to stop during a busy summer day for food is negligible. I live in a historic American city, and when I’m out and I see a particularly nice place to take a break, it’s fun to have an instant picnic.

I took advantage of this offer twice and now have a nice stock of sodas for the summer. I know. Sodas are bad for you. But I also drink a ton of water and fitness water (I make my own from a Kroger mix). Having chips, a sandwich and a nice soda keeps me from spending money at fast food joints where french fries, ice cream and crunchy apple pies are SOOOOO tempting!

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